United Kingdom, Scotland


Online Services

If you are looking for online solutions to enable communities to vote, take part in discussions and projects this platform is for you.

Rooted in the belief that empowered communities foster collective progress, our platforms are dynamic and serve as a digital solution for collaboration, democracy, dialogue, feedback and action. Our Community Engagement Platform can enable everyone involved to collaborate, access information, express opinions through likes and reactions, vote on projects and ideas, share thoughts, e-bulletins, or locality-related information such as posters and event details, and connect with others to mobilise resources, apply for funding, and share best practices.


Our citizen participation tools empower and enable local communities to contribute to, influence, and shape locally identified actions around their local priorities.

How do it work?

Engagement and democracy platforms are digital tools designed to facilitate and enhance public participation in community decision-making processes. They work by providing a suite of features that enable citizens, organisations, and government entities to interact, share information, and collaborate on various projects and initiatives.

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