United Kingdom, Scotland


Online Services

Most of us are already part of some form of Online Community without realising it e.g. we buy in shops online and leave review for the products everyone can see. That triggers many discussions, where potential and existing customes are sharing their experience with the small Online Community.

The true challenge is to enable and stimulate teams of people to work together in a creative and safe environment and pursue common goal over time.

Online Communities are about people looking for an easier and more accessible way to get together. In business or socially, online communities have the power to create lasting and productive relationships where none existed before.

Mobility is no longer an issue.

There are many ways to have a conversation online, from social media to forums (and even some old school chat online). Creative Solutions Scotland can manage your needs and deliver suitable environment that would suit your Community Online.

Time Management.

Communities Online systems we offer provide a space for people to speak through private messaging and discussions, away from the distractions that would occur in real-time.

Thematic Groups.

People around the world are joining in meaningful thematic groups, to achieve this what normally would be imposible without the support of modern technologies. These online spaces are allowing people to express themselves, be heard and appreciated.

Collective Needs.

Online communities are the space that is built around collective needs therefore it is tailored to specific ideas, desires or needs (whether that’s to share work ideas, cooperate with project partners, or talk about future funding).

Platforms online we offer deliver an environment where people value the time spent together in one place, exploring new facts, frequent engagement, and more in-depth interactions that leads to the development of healthy work relationships.

The Future and Current Trends

In the future Online Communities will become a greater part of our lives. Why not stay ahead of the game and develop your own Online Community platform, that would support your needs and enable people you work with to achieve common goals faster.

Some of the Online Communities have around 2.8 billion members. 

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